Land Use & Zoning

Special Use Permits, Map Amendments, Text Amendments, Variances, Planned Developments, Subdivisions, Financial Incentives, Annexations, Disconnections, Litigation

With over 45 years of direct experience with land use and zoning matters, Schain Banks’ attorneys have represented many governmental units and countless landowners and developers. This strong history and experience with the public and private sector uniquely positions the firm to develop creative strategies that maximize project economics, minimize delays and deliver efficient and effective results. Members of ourland useand zoninggroupservedin local government or currently serve ascorporationcounsel or specialcounsel toa number ofmunicipalities.


We counsel clients who need zoning and land use relief, including reconciling disputes with local government and resolving matters related to zoning variances, map amendments, text amendments, planned unit developments, redevelopment projects, special uses, historic preservation, subdivision approvals, tax increment financing (TIF), special assessments, special service areas, and business and liquor licensing and permitting. Our attorneys have negotiated numerous annexation, disconnection, redevelopment and recapture agreements. We regularly draft agreements between multiple land owners and developers to facilitate the construction of shared infrastructure such as sanitary, sewer, and road improvements.


We negotiate and litigate on behalf of clients in contested matters involving challenges to zoning decisions, denials of subdivision approvals, denials of licenses and permits and disconnection, and annexation matters instate and federal courts through out Illinois, Michigan, and Indiana.